Technology Stack
This is a TypeScript full-stack project deployed on Cloudflare Pages.
Frontend and Browser Plugin
- Framework: React
- Build Tool: Vite
- Style: TailwindCSS
- UI Library: Shadcn UI
- Framework: Hono
- Database: D1 + Raw SQL
- Storage: R2
Development Environment Setup
First, you need to install node.js (v20+) and pnpm.
Service Development
- Fork the code, then use
pnpm install
to install dependencies. - Execute
pnpm init:local
to initialize the local environment. - Execute
pnpm dev:server
to start the backend service. - Execute
pnpm dev:web
to start the frontend service.
Browser Plugin Development
- Execute
pnpm dev:plugin
to start the browser plugin development environment.
Commit Code
Currently, there are no restrictions on branch names and PR titles, as long as they are understandable.